Why “Fake It Till’ You Make It” is terrible advice

Most public speaking courses focus on the idea of ‘faking it ’til you make it’ but this is a terrible approach.

There are much more effective ways to deal with a lack of confidence and the last thing you want to do is start putting pressure on yourself to behave like someone you are not.

Our methods encourage you to give up on the idea of being someone else or becoming "good enough", and to realise that you already have everything you need to be a confident and effective communicator, both in front of an audience and in your everyday life.

It’s just a matter of self-acceptance, vulnerability… and practice.

At the School of Connection we teach students that speaking confidently shouldn’t be about trying to conceal your nervousness, instead, it’s about embracing these emotions.

We believe that if there’s nothing to hide, there’s nothing to fear, and that learning how to be vulnerable is the cornerstone of developing true confidence.

Find out more about our training via our courses page.


How to connect with people: 3 public speaking tips


How To Overcome An Overthinking Mind in Public Speaking