How to connect with people: 3 public speaking tips

This video is on the power of human connection in building confidence in yourself when communicating or public speaking.

Human connection is what we live for as humans, we thrive on it. And when you understand the natural advantages of human connection, and how important it is to each of us, you can learn how to interact with people in ways that best attract connection into your life.

The tips I share in this video are designed to help you intuitively feel more confident around people and in making friends, they are designed to empower you to talk to (or in front of) others more naturally.

The Three Tips You Will Find in This Video:

Tip 1: It's Not About You 01:39

Tip 2: Don't Push and Don't Pull 02:32

Tip 3: Be Real 03:48

At the School of Connection we teach students that speaking confidently shouldn’t be about trying to conceal your nervousness, instead, it’s about embracing these emotions.

We believe that if there’s nothing to hide, there’s nothing to fear, and that learning how to be vulnerable is the cornerstone of developing true confidence.

Our courses combine elements of acting training and Western psychology with mindfulness and Eastern philosophies to create a unique, holistic method that’s fit for the modern world.

Classes are currently being held both in-person and online, so anyone from anywhere in the world can attend. To find out about our online classes, visit our courses page.


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