How To Overcome An Overthinking Mind in Public Speaking

The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your communication.

This means that if we can improve our ability to communicate with people, we can literally change our lives for the better.

That's exciting stuff.

What gets in the way of being able to relate to people, whether it's talking one-on-one with someone or presenting to an audience, is our pesky overthinking mind.

It's the part of the brain that tells you that you won't be liked. It tells you that you'll fail. It tells you that people will judge you.

In this video, I discuss the very common problem of an overthinking and negative mind. I explore why it happens and then I get into what we can do to overcome it.

I hope it helps! But please remember, it's great to educate yourself on YouTube, but you won't actually improve your confidence or communication unless you practice.

At the School of Connection, we give you a safe place to practice everything you learn from us. You can find out more about our courses here.


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