The Best Tips on How to Progress Faster In Life

Be on your game by being more yourself.

Whenever you climb up steps, you always have to start at the bottom.

And the same is true for life. It's very simple: if you want to get to B, you have to start at A. If you want to get to C, you have to conquer B.

Yet, for some reason, we're always trying to fast track everything we do.

Why? Because we're afraid of slowing down and exposing ourselves.

We don't want to feel vulnerable or be seen to make mistakes. This is where the "fake it 'til we make it" approach comes from.

We pretend to be something we are not so we don't have to look and feel like we don't know what we're doing.

But this isn't how you make true progress.

Because success isn't about being superman/woman, it's about being comfortable enough with yourself to make mistakes, to mess up, to fail. That's how we learn, improve and grow.

Taking action, making progress and building confidence is about taking small steps to strengthen our relationship with ourselves.

In today's video, I'm going to share a very personal story of mine that will help you understand where most people go wrong when trying to make serious progress in their life, and exactly what you can do to move forward.


The Paradox That Will Change Your Life


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