Read this if you feel like you’re not good enough.

Do you feel like you’re ‘not good enough’?

Not good enough to speak?

Not good enough to receive compliments?

Not good enough to be loved?

There is a disease that plagues our society. It creeps its way into so many of our lives. 

This relentless belief that we are not good enough.

So many of us live our lives like this. 

With this persistent feeling of unworthiness. 

It’s there day in, day out. 

With most people unaware of the negative implications such a belief has on their life.  

When you feel unworthy, you fill your world with that energy.

You start to unconsciously project your belief onto others. 

And when this happens, it doesn’t take long for you to start tinking that other people also think you aren’t good enough

Suddenly you’re even more inhibited.

You’re unable to look people in the eye. 

Unable to communicate and express yourself openly. 

You feel… unlovable. 

When we submit to these sorts of damaging beliefs about ourselves, we live our lives tormented by a sense of failure.

But being led by failure is not living. 

It’s actualy dying. 

So how do we overcome this limiting belief of not feeling good enough?

First, we have to realize how utterly absurd such a belief is in the first place.

Imagine, for example, if the sun thought it was not good enough to shine.

If a tree thought it wasn’t not good enough to grow.

If an animal believed it was not good enough to be an animal.

Beliefs like this go against our utmost natural impulses as living, breathing beings: 

of progress, growth, evolution. 

Instead of being pro-life, we become pro-death. 

And hidden behind this belief of failure, incompetence and that we are not good enough we tell ourselves the big lie:

That we don’t deserve to happy. 

But we deserve to suffer. 

Because we convince ourselves that this sort of self-contempt will force us to improve.

That maybe one day, we can finally become good enough to experience true joy.

But this is a self-sabotaging trick the mind plays.

Believing that there is a finishing line to all of this…

Believing that there is a bottom to this list of unrealistic expectations…

This is a trap.

The goal of happiness is illusive because this type of self-improvement does not exist. frAfter solving one problem, you simply find the next reason to be unhappy. 

It’s a continuous loop that keeps us imprisoned in our own self-loathing and suffering.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

You do not have to suffer to enjoy life. This is not how life works.

You must learn to value and look after yourself.

Never compromise on your happiness.

Never lean into the thoughts and beliefs that disrupt you.

Never deny the natural impulses you have to live, learn and create.

Your utmost natural state is to strive to live.

Everything that distorts you from feeling good is a perversion, a lie, a falsehood. 

Somewhere along the line, you’ve allowed yourself to be deceived.

But all that’s happened is you fell down. And that’s okay. We all fall at times, but then we get up again, brush off the dust and get back on track.

We are meant to be living in a state of homeostasis, of balance and wellness. 

Remember the last time you were in a really a good mood?

Think about it.

You had that good feeling. Things were just flowing, everything was going smoothly. 

That felt great didn’t’ it!?

Well the big secret is that you can actually live your life in this state. Permanently. 

You don’t need to solely experience happiness after you’ve accomplished something.

You don’t need to wait for someone else to make you feel better. 

You don’t need to wait for any sort of influence from the outside world.

These are the lies we all fall for, thinking that our happiness exists somewhere outside of ourselves.

As you begin to live life in your natural state, being simply content, you begin to experience more play, more truth, more purpose, more authenticity and connection. 

When you start truthfully being yourself, suddenly the life that not so long ago seemed unattainable, tough and scary, becomes radiant. 

Full of meaningful experiences and joy. 

Life suddenly becomes your companion and it will readily reveal its beauty to you. 

Now that you have dared to actually open your eyes, you will begin to wake up.

You will begin to truly see and perceive the delight that is involved in the very fabric of existence…

In every atom…

In every breath.

Soham, they say, in ancient Vedic philosophy: I am that, Soham, I am that…


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