Learn to control your anger well with these tips.

When you feel anger, frustration, or disappointment, you risk feeling out of control and losing sight of the bigger picture.

You react, and you do and say things that you later regret. You lose control. And it's not fun for anyone, certainly not yourself.

What you don't realise however, is that when you're in this highly charged emotional state, you're also very close to connecting to a place where there's a lot of concentrated energy. Energy that can actually be transmuted into progress. Energy that can become a very effective tool to help us learn and grow.

We call this energy LIFE FORCE - a powerful source of vitally and strength that exists inside of us. The problem is, we just don't know how to use it correctly!

We get too caught up in the conflict and drama, too attached to the stories we tell ourselves. In this video, I show you how to use this Life Force energy that's embedded in anger and frustration to turn intense feelings into something far more constructive for your life.


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