Embrace the Fear: An Unusual Way to Overcome Anxiety
Anxiety often feels like an adversary to be defeated. The more we fight it, the more it seems to tighten its grip. But Viktor Frankl, a renowned psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, discovered an unusual yet highly effective way to address anxiety—a method grounded in paradox. Paradoxical intention invites us to face our fears in a way that seems counterintuitive, yet it can lead to remarkable results.
Life is full of paradoxes: we often find love when we stop looking for it, and we achieve creativity when we stop forcing it. Anxiety, too, can be disarmed through this unexpected lens. Frankl’s technique, along with Claire Weekes’ complementary teachings on acceptance, reveals how leaning into discomfort can transform even the most daunting challenges—like public speaking—into opportunities for growth.
What is Paradoxical Intention?
Paradoxical intention is a therapeutic technique that involves embracing the very fear or behaviour you’re trying to avoid. Viktor Frankl developed this concept as part of his logotherapy framework. The premise is simple: the harder we try to avoid or suppress a fear, the stronger it becomes. By deliberately inviting the feared outcome, we diminish its power and break the cycle of anxiety.
Frankl’s Example: Sweating in Public
Frankl shared a case of a patient who feared excessive sweating in social situations. This fear created a vicious cycle—the anxiety about sweating caused him to sweat more. Frankl advised him to intentionally try to sweat as much as possible when he felt anxious. This shift in mindset disrupted the anticipatory fear, and paradoxically, the man found himself sweating less.
Claire Weekes and the Power of Acceptance
Claire Weekes, an Australian physician and expert in anxiety, championed a similar approach. While she didn’t use the term "paradoxical intention," her teachings align closely with Frankl’s philosophy. Weekes emphasised acceptance, encouraging individuals to face their fears without resistance and "float" through moments of anxiety.
Weekes’ Example: Fear of Panic in Public
Weekes described patients paralysed by the fear of panic attacks. One patient avoided public spaces entirely, terrified of losing control in front of others. Weekes guided the patient to embrace the possibility of a panic attack and let the sensations come without resistance. She encouraged the patient to say, "Do your worst! Bring it on!" This active welcoming of fear helped the patient regain confidence and freedom.
Applying Paradoxical Intention to Public Speaking Anxiety
Public speaking anxiety is a perfect context for using paradoxical intention and acceptance. Here’s how these methods can be applied to transform your experience:
Exaggerate the Fear: If you’re afraid of stumbling over words or trembling hands, actively embrace those possibilities. Tell yourself, "Let’s see if I can shake as much as possible!" or "I’m going to forget my lines spectacularly!" This shift in perspective reduces the tension and pressure to perform perfectly.
Welcome Physical Symptoms: Weekes emphasised allowing your body to respond naturally. If your heart races or your voice quivers, acknowledge it: "This is just my body gearing up for action. It’s normal." Accepting these sensations without resistance helps to neutralise their impact. You can even say to yourself, "Bring it on! Do your worst!" to disarm the fear.
Focus on Connection, Not Perfection: Both Frankl and Weekes emphasised redirecting attention outward. In public speaking, focus on the value you’re delivering to your audience rather than your internal experience. This outward focus reduces self-consciousness and creates a sense of purpose.
Why Paradoxical Intention Works for Public Speaking
Paradoxical intention and acceptance work because they break the cycle of anticipatory anxiety and resistance. Here’s why:
Anticipatory Anxiety: Fear of "messing up" heightens tension before speaking. By welcoming potential mistakes, you defuse the pressure and reduce anxiety.
Breaking the Resistance Loop: Anxiety thrives on resistance. When you stop fighting it and instead invite it, the fear loses its hold.
Practical Tips for Public Speaking
Practise with Playfulness: Rehearse your speech with moments of deliberate imperfection to desensitise yourself to mistakes.
Embrace the Worst-Case Scenario: Visualise what you fear most happening and how you could respond with humour or grace. This prepares you to handle mishaps calmly.
Float Through Anxiety: Use Weekes’ technique of staying present and allowing sensations to pass without judgement.
Connect with Your Audience: Shift your focus to engaging and connecting with your listeners rather than worrying about how you appear.
Final Thoughts
Public speaking anxiety can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to control you. Viktor Frankl’s paradoxical intention and Claire Weekes’ acceptance offer a counterintuitive yet effective way to face and dissolve your fears. By welcoming the very sensations and scenarios you dread, you strip anxiety of its power and unlock a new level of confidence.
When using this technique, start small. Experiment with minor speaking engagements or low-pressure situations to see how it works for you. Gradually apply the method to larger audiences as your confidence grows.
The next time you step up to speak, remember: embrace the fear, invite the shakes, and let the butterflies fly. Say to your anxiety, "Bring it on! Do your worst!" It’s in this paradoxical acceptance that you’ll find the calm and freedom to shine on stage.
Please note: This content is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. If you are experiencing an anxiety disorder or mental health challenges, please consult a qualified mental health professional for support and guidance.