Dropping the Masks: Embracing Authenticity in Life

Public speaking is scary. Fact.

So much of a fact that it is often listed as the number ONE fear for human beings all over the world.

For most people, when we’re scared of something, we hide away from it.

In public speaking, this might mean doing whatever we can to avoid situations where we’re expected to talk. But sometimes, it’s just not possible to escape - you get asked to give a speech at a wedding, you have to do a big pitch at work, you get an interview for your dream job - having to step up and speak at some point, is largely unavoidable.

So when we do find ourselves in the spotlight, confronted with one of our biggest fears, aside from simply running out of the room (which we’ve done btw!), we have one last option available to us as a means of hiding - wearing a “mask”.

What does this mean? It means we adopt a “persona” of someone that we think everyone wants us to be. We start “performing” and acting out a role. We might play a “confident” person, a “funny” person, or a really “likable” person, or just whatever you might feel meets the expectations of whoever you’re speaking to.

And what specifically are we trying to hide? Sadly, it’s our true selves. Why? Because we fear if people were to see who we actually are, that they might reject us or deem us not worthy.

This is probably the most common thing we see amongst students in our public speaking classes - as soon they step in front of the group to speak, the mask comes out.

And whilst we think that the “mask” keeps us safe, in reality, it only serves as a barrier, blocking us from experiencing real connections with others.

This concept is one of the key things we teach in our courses as we guide people through exercises that systematically help break down these masks.

As we live in a society that encourages us to conform, we know that this isn’t easy. We know that dropping our personas can be scary and overwhelming as for some of us, they are deeply engrained in how we operate in the world.

However, by recognising the value of communicating in a more sincere and honest way, we can embark on a transformative journey toward living a more genuine and fulfilling life, without the need for a mask.

Let us break this down further for you, with 5 tips to help you on your way to “masklessness”.

  1. Reflect on your true self:

    The first step in dropping the masks we wear is self-reflection. Take time to understand your values, passions, and aspirations. Reflect on the roles you play and the masks you put on in various aspects of your life. Recognise the areas where you feel inauthentic or disconnected from your true self. This introspection lays the foundation for embracing authenticity and living a more fulfilling life.

  2. Embracing vulnerability:

    Dropping masks requires embracing vulnerability. It involves accepting and being comfortable with your imperfections and allowing yourself to be seen as you truly are. Understand that vulnerability is not a weakness but a strength. By being vulnerable, you open the door to genuine connections, deeper relationships, and personal growth. Embrace the discomfort, for it is through vulnerability that true authenticity can thrive.

  3. Let go of societal expectations:

    Society often imposes rigid expectations on how we should look, behave, and think. To drop the masks, we must deeply challenge these expectations and let go of the need for external validation. Understand that your worth is not defined by societal norms. Release the fear of judgement and embrace your unique qualities, perspectives, and passions. By letting go of societal expectations, you create space for your authentic self to shine.

  4. Cultivate self-acceptance:

    Dropping masks requires cultivating self-acceptance. Embrace all aspects of yourself, including your flaws and insecurities. Recognise that perfection is an illusion and that self-acceptance is a journey. Practise self-compassion and treat yourself with kindness and understanding. When you accept and love yourself unconditionally, you no longer need masks to hide behind.

  5. Surround yourself with authenticity:

    To drop the masks, surround yourself with people who appreciate and support your true self. Seek out relationships and communities that encourage vulnerability and genuine connections. Surrounding yourself with authenticity creates an environment where you feel safe to be yourself and where others can do the same. Genuine relationships nourish the soul and reinforce your commitment to living authentically.

Dropping the masks we wear is a transformative journey towards embracing authenticity in life.

By embracing vulnerability, letting go of societal expectations and surrounding ourselves with authenticity, we can free ourselves from the constraints of conformity.

Letting our true selves shine allows us to live a more fulfilling, meaningful life, where genuine connections and personal growth thrive. So, dare to drop the masks, embark on a journey towards a more authentic and liberated existence.

To learn how our courses help people drop their masks and become themselves through public speaking, head over to our courses page for more info.


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